Sunday, January 25, 2004

A Day At The Circus 

We took the kids to the circus today. To our surprise, they all really liked it. I expected Beth to be scared, because she's scared of just about everything, but I guess our seats were far enough away from the animals that it wasn't scary to her. We made it through the first half, and after intermission they all wanted to go back in. About ten minutes into the second half all three of them started screaming and kicking. (Apologies to those of you sitting in section 213 row 8 who might have been kicked in the head a few times). We shot out of there, missed the last hour or so of the circus, and avoided what would have been a big traffic jam.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Pictures from Afar 

Grandma (sometimes known as Monkey Grandma, but we're not supposed to say that anymore), high-tech photographer that she now is, just returned from Connecticut and she brought back with her digital pictures of cousins Joe & Mike. We're big fans of cousins around here, so here are the pictures for you to enjoy with us. Coming soon, digitally modified pictures of the family from Grandma.



Friday, January 16, 2004

Presents Out Of Jail 

For those of you who heard the story of the Christmas presents that went to jail, we wanted to update you and let you know that they are out on parole and have arrived safely in this country. Yeah Grandma, you snuck another one by the Singapore authorities (just kidding, it was really the US authorities, but that sounds so less impressive).

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Who's Lucky? 

Here is a picture of Lauren's good friend Lucky. He doesn't live with us, so, in a way, we are all Lucky:


Sunday, January 04, 2004

Jacob's Hand 


Poor Jacob got his hand slammed in the back door by his sister Beth yesterday. It looked awful at the time, but it's not so bad right now. Here's a picture of his hand -- the middle and ring fingers were the ones that got stuck in the door. He did earn himself a quick trip to Vanderbilt. Like most things in modern medicine, it required imaging to see what was going on. Fortunately there was no fracture and he's feeling much better about it today. Here's his x-ray:
